1. Where are you located?
The www.shopbrandnameshoes.com is located in Rogers,AR US.
We sell our products to US, Canada, and International.
2. Are your shoes authentic?
Yes. All of our shoes are Brand Names Authentic and come with their original box.
The www.shopbrandnameshoe.com does not sell fakes, variants, or customized products.
3. Is your business legitimate? How long have you been in business?
Yes, shopbrandnameshoes.com and toypalace.net is legitimate business. While we are a small company, we have been in business for approximately 6 years.
4. Can I get a catalog
Shopbrandnameshoes does not publish a mail-order catalog because the inventory changes too frequently.
Shopbrandnameshoes.com is updated daily with size and style information and new products and sizes are posted as soon as they are available. We encourage you to check the website for the products you need.

5. How Do you have any stores or locations?
Yes, Toy Palace Inc. is a web business and have retail store in Rogers AR.
6. Can you write Gift on the box so that I do not have to pay taxes

We cannot declare this item as a gift.
7. How can I pay
We accept Paypal (www.paypal.com) for US and international customrs.
8. I really want to pay with my credit card because I do not have a Paypal account
We cannot accept international credit cards. Paypal accounts are free and easy to open. Go to http://www.paypal.com and follow their instructions to open and fund an account.
9. I do not see the size I need or the shoe I want. Do you have it or can you get it
No we are sorry. As previously stated, due to limited manufacturing runs, once an item is sold out, it is extremely difficult to obtain more inventory. All available sizes are posted to the product page and kept up to date on a daily basis.
10. Is there any other way I can contact you
Yes there is.

You can send us an e-imal and we will try to respond within 24 hours. Our e-mail address is

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